The Orlando toppled one of the favourites teams for win the finals with his center Dwight Howard doing an excellent match, he finishes the match with 40 points and 14 rebounds. The Orlando has done a difficult thing winning the Cavaliers wich has one of the best basketball players, Lebron James, but now the Magics hve to face with another team that has different players, like Kobe or Pau, that give lots of problems to Howard and to all the team and win the finnals will be a hard work.
The origin of this new strain is unknown
is due to an apparently virulent new strain produced by Reassortment from one strain of human influenza virus, one strain of avian influenza virus, and two separate strains of swine influenza.
Transmission and symptoms
In humans, the symptoms of swine flu are diarrhea and vomiting.
It passes with apparent ease from human to human, an ability attributed to an as-yet unidentified mutation. Influenza spreads between humans through coughing or sneezing and people touching something with the virus on it and then touching their own nose or mouth.
Swine flu cannot be spread by pork products, since the virus is not transmitted through food.
Diagnosis can be made by sending a specimen, collected during the first five days for analysis.
Prevention and treatments
frequent washing of hands with alcohol-based products
Social distancing is another tactic. It means staying away from other people who might be infected
vaccines against the new strain are being developed and could be ready as early as June 2009.
If a person becomes sick with swine flu, antiviral drugs can make the illness milder and make the patient feel better faster.
They may also prevent serious flu complications.
On the one hand, most of the celebrities are persons without brain, that only like brag theirselves and about his money. Sometimes this makes that the fame afects his head and makes that they do something that could give them big problems.
On the other hand, the celebrities could do lots of thing for help the people or for leaning some good assotiatins or also some coutries, because his fame is recognozised around the world and alsohas power for change some things. Some of the people think that with the same money that have the ceebrities, the live, is without any problems and if you have one you soluted with the money, but this it isn't true because the money is, only, one help for do all that you like, well, all no, but some of them.
I think that being a celebrty is a good thing, but only if you are a simple person who doesn't give value to the money and if it doesn't affects to your head. and because of this you don't change your personality., I think that there aren't anyone that have all these things and, because of this, only the most simple and humble people have to be famous.
This person is tall, well-built and robust boy, he has black eyes like coal and dark skin. He has long disheveled hair. He is a conceited and he goes always good dressed.
He has an open character, he's an intelligent person, he's demanding with the persons that are in his environment. He's a perfeccionist and orderly and when he is working, he always always gives the maximum performance and if someone needs help he's always there for do something. He's a friendly person, he likes do some sport and go on holidays. Some of his hobbies are the car races, the basketball and the fishing, this is his favourite hobbie, and every week goes fishing in different places. He also really like the basketball and, when he can, he goes to Barclona for attend the match of Barcelona.
The NASA has launched from Cape Canaveral an unmanned mission to search the sky eath of planets with the potential host live.
These telescope called Kepled will be orbiting around the sun for watch a space with 100.000 stars like ours. It will look for the slight dimming of light from these "suns" as planets pass between them and the spacecraft.
This is a historical mision and it attaks a basic question: Are we alone?
It is equiped with the largest camera ever launched into space and its designed to find rocky worlds orbiting Sun: planets situated in a warm zone.
Kepler news
Eto'o news
Castelló d'Empúries
C/ Santa Clara s/n
Castelló d'Empúries
Dear Ms Pinto,
I am a student of your highschool in Castelló d'Empúries. My name is Xavier and I am in 1st ciences Batxillerat and I am writting this letter for say the good and the bad things that there are in the highschool.
The worst thing is the apperance, grey with bars, it do not help to students to concentrate theirselves and the peoplewho see it, think that is a prision,and the truth is hat it seems like this and when you are in class you think that you are in a prision and not in a highschool. An other bad thing is that there are a lot of people and sspecially in 1st and 2nd of ESO, this makes that bad people do not help to concenrate the others, but they help to keep out their studies and for this cause the students that arrive in 3rd of ESO have to do an effort and study much morethat if we have study in 1st and 2nd of ESO.
It also has good things, it's mean to my house and that permites to sleep more if it was in other place, and this helps me to be more concentrate.
Definetely I think that this highschool is big and also small for the quantity of students that there are, I also think that there are some things that it can change and make this highschool better for study and have more results with the marks.
I look forward to your answer.
Yours sincerely,

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